jeudi, juillet 26, 2007

On Home Owning

So it has been almost two weeks now living in my new home. I'd have to say that it has been quite enjoyable. I've experienced freedom here not quite like anywhere else. Living in a house you (or your family I suppose) owns is great; you can raise kittens, fry pancakes at 2:00am, and urinate on your walls. Now all of that is great and all, however, I was naive and failed to consider some of the less desired aspects of being home owners: and that is the responsibility to answer your door. Why may that be such a dangerous task? Well, I found out today that just outside your front door, in the neighbourhood, lurks the devious door-to-door sales person, the mail man, and of course, the Jehova's Witnesses. When you're not careful, these shady figures can push you into a corner and cause you to be late for work. I've learned a valuable lesson today, and I must improve my skills of pretending-I'm-not-home when someone undesireable comes knocking.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Maybe you're just too nice Sandie.
All you have to say is something like "Sorry, I'm busy" and slam the door. Or "I'm late for work" and lock your door and walk away. Chances of you ever coming across this person again is slim so who cares. =D
I mean if those people have the nerve to be rude to you, why not be rude back.

Sandie a dit...

Yeah, I guess I was being pretty nice. I guess it's from dealing with rude people when I have to hand out flyers to them at work, that made me have some more respect for people who do these things. Not door to door Jehova's Witnesses or any other religious group though. They're a menace.