dimanche, juillet 15, 2007

1 Day Before Moving Day

So my time here is finally up, starting tomorrow I will be sleeping in my new house (I use that term loosely, because the house isn't actually new). Hoorah! I am actually starting to feel the excitement between all the packing, lifting, vacuuming, sneezing, and unloading. Today was also the first time I have seen my new house; it's stone mosaic and darkwood exterior seems to whisper its stories to you; you know, the sort of stories that give a house a personality, like murder stories that took place in the basement, or scandals, or weed dealings. It's really quite the quaint little house; that would have a splendid view of the sunset(sunrise?) if it wasn't for the ugly giant trees in the neighbouring backyard.

I was working away like a busy beaver unloading in the new house with my dad(we cheated and started moving early), when he informed me of the upcoming internet drought. I panicked; oh how will I survive without my beloved internet for an entire four days? I barely survived the last time the internet failed for four whole hours. I simply love my personal internet too much to withstand having it torn away from me for such a length of time, oh the despair! It was in the midst of my grief that a solution presented itself in the form of a light bulb flicking on; I must as quickly as possible binge download and stock my computer with as much manga as possible, to tide me over with for the duration of the drought; in addition I must also reinstall Veoh and binge download movies. As I type this, volumes and volumes of manga are being downloaded into my Sysreset folder, I am also monitoring the download of three movies (12 Monkeys, What the bleep Do We Know, and American Psycho). Drastic times call for drastic measures, but I will be well equipped to survive the impending drought. If my movie downloads cannot be completed before I pass out in front of the computer, I will always have the public library close by my new house for video rentals!

It's a strange phenomenon, but the basement suite almost seems smaller now with all the furniture as well as kitchen-living room partition gone. I guess the partitioning and furniture gave the space a sense of depth that is non-existent in the now vacant lot; my room is reduced to an empty box with a dinky little table, and a pillow for a seat in front of the computer. I will be here for the next couple of hours tending to my downloads with snacking anchovies for company. They really are overrated, this is probably thanks to Futurama giving me unrealistic expectations for the small salty snack fish. This morning I had quite the satisfying breakfast however,

doesn't my last meal in this house look delicious? The new big kitchen in the new house hopefully will inspire a bountiful amount of bread, pastry, and cookie baking. On my sister's part of course, not mine, I don't cook.

But ladies and gentlemen, I really must be taking a break. I over exerted myself today and wounded up getting jabbed in the ribs by a doorknob. It's exceedingly unpleasant, and I should lie down and nurse my aching back and ribs before I resume my download surveillance. Man I feel old.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

Good choice on the movies. American Psycho is quality, I've heard good things about 12 Monkeys, though I haven't heard of the bleep one. D:

BTW if you still want to come tonight and you get this, call me at 778-386-0240 and let's try to arrange things. Use a pay phone if you have to. >.>