lundi, juillet 09, 2007

6 Days Until Moving Day

For anyone who might someday ponder this notion, I will warn you beforehand: tissue paper boxes do NOT make good shoes; in fact, they make terrible shoes. They are far too boxy, stiff, and constrictive to support feet. Besides, they'd only be available in one size, and they hurt!

Now in retrospect, this finding seems like something I should have been able to predict prior to stuffing my feet inside empty square boxes, but it really seemed like a good idea at the moment. But for other hands-on learners, here's a piece of free information that might save yourself some discomfort in the future.

But enough about tissue boxes. Since my last post, I've done some feeble packing, shopping, and movie viewing. I am happy to say that I am finally able to add 2001: A Space Odyssey to my Seen movie list. It is everything that it's hyped up to be, and maybe even more; stunning cinematography(especially for 1968), grand soundtrack, space travel, bright hypnotic light display, spaceships and astronauts, a homocidal computer, what more can you ask for? One aspect I particularly enjoy about viewing old films is the retrospective recognition of pop culture references that I haven't been able to catch previously. I've probably seen parodies to 2001: A Space Odyssey on at least four different notable instances(Simpsons, Recess, iPhone, and Lego) and failed to acknowledged their sources until now, the same goes for Citizen Kane. There will definitely be more future trips to the public library. I am going to have to schedule a library trip somewhere between work, packing, and attempting to pack, over the next week; otherwise my videos will be overdue and I will have to pay late fees again! The library must've ripped a small fortune off of me in my lifetime through late fees.

Now, I regret to say that I've had a super unproductive day today, strolling around Granville Island, then downtown to purchase paint and funny looking black pants. But I've decided, I am going to get that turquoise dress. It was an executive decision made about an hour ago. The dress is just too pretty to give up, and I must have it before someone else snatches it. Since I'm already a couple hundred dollars into my savings for the summer, what's another $85? I'll just have to resolve to save 90% of my first paycheck to make up for it.

On another note, I've finally made some progress packing today; I put all my more sporadically worn shoes in boxes and all my art supplies (with my new paint!) is now packed away. I guess I should start clothes and books tomorrow.

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