lundi, novembre 28, 2005


I was initially quite skeptical about the machine. I mean, who wouldn't be? This is something that mankind has dreamed about since the beginning of time, before the dinosaurs, and even when humans called themselves Mars dwellers. It wasn't something that my feeble brain was able to accept so easily. It was all a huge, miraculous phenomenon really. How this fine piece machinery had wounded up in my hands.

It was a fine autumn morning, I was out front, sitting on a flipped army green garbage bin, minding my own business, when as if from nowhere, a very flustered looking scientist presented himself in front of me. Now this wasn't just any breed of scientist, this one was clearly a Mad Scientist. He possessed a wild, untamed white mane, and ridiculous glasses that were a size to large for his face. Stark contrast to his scientist counterpart, the Ordinary Scientist, who possessed sensible spectacles.

And that was how I got my hands on the elusive Snow Machine that makes real snow. I will test it out tomorrow morning.

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