dimanche, avril 01, 2007

Everyone in the World

7 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

There's this other video that this video reminded me of.
Some guy took a pictre of himself every morning. Everywhere he went, no matter what, though usually at his home.
It was pretttyyy cool! Go check it out on youtube, except I don't remember what it was called. =)

- Aichan

Anonyme a dit...

Eileen, it was actually a woman who did that. >.>
For one whole day.

If you want one of a man doing it, here's a parody :http://www.oldeenglish.org/podcast/one-picture-every-day

-Greggis McDuff

Anonyme a dit...

Nooooo. I don't know what you are talking about Greggis.
The one I saw was DEFINITELY a man, and not this junky parody you have there.

- Aichan

Anonyme a dit...


That's the one. =d

Anonyme a dit...

Once again, I think you're crazy.
I heard about this one first.


Your's seems to be longer though, but whatevs.

-Greggis McDuff

Mr. Solis a dit...

This video is neat...but akward. What is he implying? That everyone in the world looks generally the same to him?

Sandie a dit...

No silly Jeffery, you're reading too much into it.
From what I see, it's as simple as a guy who just wanted to do portraits of everyone in the world.
But if you insist on analyzing, it's not so much that everyone in the world is the same, I would say that the theme is more on the lines of "you're not alone", and that the world is not as foreign as one might think.

But anyway, I didn't know that Jeff got a blogspot! I will add you to my long folder of Blog links.