mercredi, mars 14, 2007

Happy Pi Day!

Like Saint Patrick's Day, Canada Day, or National Pancake Day is celebrated by normal people, Pi day is a very special day in the hearts of many nerds.
"Nerds around the world will gather and join hands in the shape whose ratio of its circumference to its diameter is the most revered mathematical constant in the known universe."

Geeks and nerds everywhere will spread joy and good cheer by indulging in Pi related foods. A punny nerd will eat Pizza, pineapple, and drink pina coladas while dressed as a Pirate. If you happen to hate puns, you can also enjoy the holiday with cookies or cheese shaped like pi. Whatever your fancy, Pi day is simply incomplete without the consumption of Pie!

Happy Pi Day everyone!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

happy pi day! everybody!