mercredi, mars 14, 2007

Happy Pi Day!

Like Saint Patrick's Day, Canada Day, or National Pancake Day is celebrated by normal people, Pi day is a very special day in the hearts of many nerds.
"Nerds around the world will gather and join hands in the shape whose ratio of its circumference to its diameter is the most revered mathematical constant in the known universe."

Geeks and nerds everywhere will spread joy and good cheer by indulging in Pi related foods. A punny nerd will eat Pizza, pineapple, and drink pina coladas while dressed as a Pirate. If you happen to hate puns, you can also enjoy the holiday with cookies or cheese shaped like pi. Whatever your fancy, Pi day is simply incomplete without the consumption of Pie!

Happy Pi Day everyone!

mardi, mars 13, 2007

Naps and Peeps

I overslepped my alloted nap time today, (what can I say? The Simpsons put me to sleep) and the sleep fairies have left me with a powerful and dire craving for chololate and Peeps; must have something to do with the contents of my dream. Although I remain a bit sluggish at the present, I fear that all my sleepiness will disappear fifteen minutes before I get into bed, like it has so often done for the last week. 

I should probably try to get some work done for tonight, though I'm not certain whether I have the capacity for reading Othello, Skeptics, or Chemistry: tasks that involve higher  mentalprocessing in my current sluggy state, so I reckon I should start off with some simple tasks such as checking my email, reading blogs, listening to some M. Ward, and reading the latest manga updates. 

*Note*: For thoes of you who don't know, Peeps are the lovely friendly, brightly coloured marshmallow chicks that you can find in the supermarket around Easter time. Also, the gift of Peeps is the greatest gift of all, for someone who has experienced a loss of Peeps. So buy me some Peeps!

dimanche, mars 04, 2007

Merry Christmas

It feels like Christmas again. Maybe it's the snow we've been getting for the past few days, bringing back the holiday spirits. Or perhaps it is the sweet aroma of rising bread from the oven, the presence of Lindt Lindor chocolate that is so often consumed during the holiday season, or maybe it's the incessant jingle of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" that's been plaguing the house with undesired Christmas cheer for the past five hours.

Everyone loves novelty Holiday cards. One such variety is the "happy singing card", you know, thoes ones that chirp out a cute little melody of your favourite holiday jingle when you open the card, then cease once the card is closed.

I guess it was my fault really. I am being taught a valuable lesson. I just couldn't resist the temptation of indulging myself in a bit of Christmas nostaligia. 
"No Christmas spirit outside of Christmas time!" says the God of Life Lessons, while wagging a single accusatory finger.

I sought the sweet melody of a joyous Christmas jingle, and I am recieving punishment for my foolishness. I will suffer the sound of the singing card until I have atoned for my mistake. Never again will I engage myself in anything Christmasy until the end of the year. Who wants Christmas anyway, when you have Easter, and Peeps!

Well now, I shouldn't dawdle my time here, I must look for an appropriate place to hide the singing card until the battery runs itself out so I can go to sleep; perhaps in the refridgerator?