lundi, octobre 24, 2005

The Twenty Things You Wanted to Know About Sandie But Were Afraid To Ask Due to Possible Legal – But More Importantly Psychological - Ramifications

1) My folder size has recently breached the 10GB plateau. 10.22GB to be exact.

2) I despise ignorance, injustice, egotism, snobbishness, close-mindedness, vindictiveness, and @#$!%@^!#$ censorship.

3) I once made three separate hospital stays in one year. Varying from a broken wrist, asthma, to an intestinal infection.

4) I am a sucker for finely dressed men, calculated casualness, and men who have an artistic flair and an European accent.

5) I was always an imaginative child, and as a kid I wanted to be a meteorologist, a flight attendant, a librarian, and a chef in a five star restaurant. My current dream occupation is to work lavishly under the immaculate supremacy that is Google. However, these dreams have unfortunately been seared quite thoroughly by this thing called reality.

6) Once upon a time I was a cool kid in my elementary years, part of the "popular crowd". All was swell and peachy until I had a personal conflict with my best mate, who happened to be the "leader" of said elite crowd of social snobbishness, then I became a geek.

7) I was born in Taipei, Taiwan. Mumsee decided to fly the family to Canada in search for better education, and lifesyle. However, we founded a living that proved to be quite the contrary.

8) My typing speed clocks in at approximately 85WPM.

9) I had never had a doubt as to where I wanted to pursue my higher education, and where I want to stay for the better part of my humble existence until recently.

10) I find that there is nothing more pure/haunting/beautiful than the sound of an acoustic piano, or acoustic classical guitar, for that matter.

11) I think of myself an extroverted introvert.

12) When stumped as to which fancy gifts spoil fabulous me with, chocolate is always fool-proof. Always. That, or money.

13) I've recently discovered that I have an unusual spinal cord disease in which the symptom is idiopathic curvation of the spine. In the event that the curve in my vertebrae were to increase from it's current position of 17 degrees, I would have to undergo a choice of either spinal fusion, or the insertion of a Harrington implant.

14) I like to indulge in the shopping of frivolous items, like skirts as well as shoes and clothing items of the general sort. I enjoy it, Alot. Unfortunately, my lack of cash for such indulgences have been making me consider a part-time job.

15) I scored 27.81065% "Total Geek" @, and my Geek Code is GED/FA/L/O d- s: a--- C++ U--- PL---E? W++ N o? K++> w+ O--- M- V? PS++ PE Y PGP? T--- 5? X- R+ tv+ b++ DI? D? G+ e- h- r-- !x+

16) I enjoy quality foreign/short films immensely. It's a refreshing break from all that crap that's coming out of that ass called Hollywood(with notable exceptions of course). A few recent favourites include Le Marche de l'Empereur, Amélie, Mononoke Hime(All studio Ghibli films), Beijing Bycycle, Y tu Mama Tambien, and more.

17) I own a pet chinchilla named Beanie, he's a standard grey chinchilla, and he's the most adorable creature you will ever encounter.

18) Upon further inspection, it turns out that my list was three shy of 20...
Thanks to the Greg for his observation.

19) A couple years back, I told myself that I would never create a blog, and that blogs were stupid, silly, and for self-centered kiddies.

20) I urge everyone to participate in the annual NaNoWriMo. Despite the fact that I may not be participating this year, but I will next year, for sure.

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