For more than a year now, I have never carried more than fifty cents with me in my wallet, no matter where I went. If I ever had to spend more than fifty cents, I would simply whip out my handy debit card, which I never use unless I am spending more than ten dollars at once. It was a strategy designed to deter myself from making impulsive purchases. Has it been effective in saving money? It's hard to say, though it's probably saved me a small fortune from exuberant mocha and tea consumption alone. But during this past week, there have been a number of instances which compel me to rethink my spending strategy, and that perhaps it is best that I carry a small amount of cash on me from now on.
It was not two days ago while I was in line for the 99 at 8:00am in the morning, the lineup threaded way back till past the A&W like always. I could hear awesome music coming from near the bus stop. I crane my neck from behind the disgruntled-looking fat woman in front of me, trying to catch a glimpse of the duet, but couldn't. While doing so I noticed quite a few people who were plugged into their iPods, and immediately I felt the urge to shake my fist at them for tuning out when such a brilliant live performance was taking place. When I did get a chance to look at the dual, I was utterly astounded; there was a man singing lead vocals whilst playing on a keyboard, and his partner was singing as well whilst playing the fiddle. To top it off, at certain intervals on the song, the woman would tap dance on a plank of wood to make sounds that complimented the progression of the music, the sounds they made together was simply thrilling. To make a long story short, I was itching to purchase their CD like I had ants in my pants, but sadly I held no ten dollar bill in my pockets. The itching was so propelling that I almost ran out of my place at the very front of the bus lineup to ask them for their names, but alas, I would've missed the bus and arrived late for my lecture. I don't know if I'll ever get a chance to meet these two again.
Due to a couple of instances not unlike this one, I've decided to compose a list of reasons why I should carry a small amount of cash on me at all times:
- When I encounter amazing buskers out on the street at Granville island or the Drive, I can buy their CD's on the spot.
- I can pay for a stupid printing card from the UBC library so I don't have to hand in essays late due to printer failure.
- When I find cute trinkets, scarves, or cozy gloves at the SUB market, I can purchase without worrying about not finding the item again the next time I come.
- I can feed myself on Fridays during my five hour break when my food runs out or if I simply neglected to pack any.
- I can properly and fully show street buskers or entertainers my appreciation instead of just tossing them my fifty cents.
- I can get out of restaurants sooner by paying cash instead of debit (usually).
- I'll have a better record of my spendings and allowance as opposed to paying with debit, where money seems to mysteriously disappear everytime I check my account balance.
With all of that in mind, it's actually more convenient for me to continue the way I am, since I get paid by direct deposit. Maybe I will withdraw a monthly allowance for myself or something. Or not.
p.s. image by the lovely and talented kozyndan! Google them if you're interested. They also have a Flickr gallery.
5 commentaires:
Reason #0 coming BEFORE #1: You can pay people back.
Lindy, I've had your money for two weeks, but haven't managed to accidentally run into you yet to pay you back.
If you're not Lindy, tell her I have her money so I can give it to her when I see her next >_>
I've totally surrender to the fact that having a debit card allows me to make impulsive purchases... unfortunately, I have not stopped carrying cash. Fuck the lesser of two evils, I want 'em both!
I am taken in by cute useless things. What kind of impulse purchases do Jon make? :\
Books. These aren't books that stimulate the brain, mind you - half of them are comics, and the other half are autobiographies/diaries that fill a very niche area of my mind. (case in point; a book consisting of nothing but Kevin Smith blog entries, and an autobiography of one Bret Hart - who, unless you were a WWF fan in the mid 90's, probably means nothing to most people.)
... well, books and food/drink. Damn stomach decides to act up when it doesn't need to cuz it knows I can afford it :P
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