jeudi, août 30, 2007

Back to School

Less than a week remains before school starts, and I've only just gotten into my lazy summer spirit a week ago. All I want is just to be able to go to sleep whenever I felt like it, and battle zombies and skeletons to hone my battle monk skills. But now I have to start thinking about textbooks, tuition, timetables, and orientation day.

Well, the good news is that -after very minimal consideration- I've decided to make an addition to my skimpy timetable earlier tonight. I will now be attending German lectures on Mondays Tuesdays and Thursdays. However frank it may be, that German is merely a substitute for the French class I couldn't register in time for, I am gradually beginning to feel a bit of excitement about the course. I mean, I've always loved German movies, and German sausages. How can I not love the German language?

With this new addition, I will be spending my first term studying English, Visual Arts, Computer Sciences, and of course German. Hoorah!

On an unrelated note, I've discovered that if I get into bed at just the right time of night, I am treated to a splendid view of the moon from my bedroom window. All I have to do is look up and out from between my down-tilted blinds. It's quite sublime really. The night after the eclipse the moon was full, and shone light brighter than a LED headlight in the dead of the night. My bedroom was so well illuminated that I could read Snow Crash just by moonlight alone. I didn't want to risk ruining my poor eyes however, so I resisted the urge and simply continued my moon gazing in silence until I drifted into sleep.

Watching the moon seriously makes me wish I owned the old manual canon film camera I like, paired with a sturdy tripod. Equipped with those, I can take photos of the moon with the camera's b-setting. Well... my birthday is coming up... just a thought.
Heh, but seriously, I think I will visit the school a week or two into the school year to ask Mr. Stanley for advice on camera shopping and to give my favourite art teacher -Mrs. John- a present and a big hug.

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