samedi, juin 16, 2007

On Cats and Sleep

The coming of summer has disrupted my sleep cycle at record speed this year; any pattern that I had grown accustomed to in the past months has now ceased to exist and have been thrown into utter chaos. I am now living more or less like a cat, and I love it.

If I were a cat, I feel that I would be a grey kitty with golden eyes, just like Molly; (Chief differences being that I would have much shorter hair, and I would be less of a flirt and more of a sleepy cow. )
I would start off my days in the afternoon, rolling onto my back and growl until I am fed. With my new kitty lifestyle, I would very quickly develop a sort of narcolepsy, as I would be so immobile for some halves of days that I would simply fall asleep in the middle of a meal. These narcoleptic episodes would be followed with manic-esque states due to replenishment of sleep, where I paint pictures with my paws while trying not to shred the canvas for hours before lapsing into deep sleep again. Sometimes instead of painting pictures I would wander into neighbours' and friends' backyards and attend barbecues; I would always be welcome because everyone loves cute grey kitties.

It's 8:30pm and I'm going to take a 3 hour nap.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Trust me, you're not the only one wishing to live the life of the lazy suburban kitty.
However, just like studying and going to school everyday, you get sick of it after a while. I can't imagine becoming sick of sleeping ...
I don't know how many conversations I have had with my mom that revolve around me wishing to become like Tama. =9

Sandie a dit...

Yeah, I'd never see my friends if I became a cat, I wouldn't be able to wake up for anything. Besides, sleeping for 15 hours a day will give you headaches.
But sometimes just sometimes... I'd be so furry and cuddly and cute, and everyone would love me :(