mardi, août 01, 2006

Who can give me some examples of web browsers?

Ryan: "Who can give me some examples of web browsers?"
Brian: "Google!"
Joey: "Microsoft!"
Kevin: "MSN?"

There's something about a room full of 9-11 year old n00bs in a computer lab playing internet scavenger hunt that's oddly stupid and amusing. Ryan had assigned a list of questions regarding the internet for the little fools to research. Ryan is my hero for being able to keep these kids interested and occupied for the entire class. Even Hank, who has found a liking to lagging behind while the pack traverse from classroom to classroom to ask me personal questions has quieted down and devote all of his... youthful energy to doing these questions.

As I currently write this, I am sitting in the back of a dimly lit computer lab, and making trips around the classroom helping kids use Google. How many email accounts ARE there anyway? That is beyond even my googling skills, but only because it's impossible to find out since about 11'000 new ones are created every friggin day.

Who can tell me, who has the most money in the world?
Bill Gates!
No, Bill Gates is very rich, but he's not the richest person there is. I'm looking for something more like a corporation...
No, think of a place, that has alot of money to spend on things...
Yes! What part of America?
South America!


Well, it's now 10:15, and the kids are getting 15 minutes of free computer time. Man do I not miss the days of Neopets and It's almost Rec. time, and my legs are still sore from yesterday, so I probably won't be overly active today.

Hank called me over to show me what Pokemon I am. Apparently I am a Raichu.
Well, it's about time to go, I won't be posting a picture until I get home.

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

I want to know what pokemon I am. Show me how?

Sandie a dit...

I would love to help you out with that, but I actually don't know the website... I'll ask the kids tomorrow during computer class though.

Anonyme a dit...

did you get into any kind of discussion about browsers with the leadman?

were there any not dumb children?
is there such a thing?

Sandie a dit...

Nah, I was too busy typing this post during class, and there aren't really any not dumb kids. And no, that's just an urban myth, that kids can be smart.

Anonyme a dit...

Uh, no. I was a smart kid. gawd.

Sandie a dit...

You told me you were a crybaby... crybabies aren't smart.