mercredi, août 09, 2006


A kid called me a geek today.
Abe: "How do you open the website program?"
Me: START > Programs > Applications > Macromedia Dreamweaver > Voila!
Abe: "Can you help me type in"
Me: "I'm not your maid, type it yourself. It's easy."
Abe: *clumsily types in*
Me: *Gets impatient and types it for him*

This is the same kid who got himself stuck in a chair for fifteen minutes during a game of telephone charades. How? That escapes even me. Was it hilarious? Yes, but it made the class go insane and absolutely uncontrollable. Which just reminds me of why I love computer time.

Although computer class usually pertains me scrambling around the classroom answering to needy kids' computer questions, they are such n00bs that they will give me their undivided attentions while watching me copy and paste an image onto Macromedia Dreamweaver, or gawk at my 1337 typing skillz. Also, once they kids get occupied with internet games, It's free time for me, until the inevitable, but always tragic end of class time. Well, it's the end of computer class now, I must now return dutifully to my kids.

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

is compclass every day?
has any of your leetness rubbed off on them?

Sandie a dit...

Comp class is every day, and it's the best part of the day.

As for the leetness, I hope so. I tried explaining to the 9 year old explosive fanatic today about web hosting, and URL's, that was pretty amusing.

Anonyme a dit...

Hello. Sandie. Guess who this is!!!

Sandie a dit...

Gee, tough question... it's Robbie isn't it? No, Eileen?? >_> I give up.