dimanche, juillet 02, 2006


It's finally that time of year. And for this special summer, I have a very special plan. My special goal is to become increasingly stupid as the warm days drag on. You know: dumber over the summer. If I was to draw a line graph of my deminishing intelligence, the y-axis being my brain activity, and the x-axis representing the summer, the line would slope downward so steeply that if you tried to rollerblade it you would face certain death.

P.S.- I got a new flat spine sketchbook today.

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

finley tried to rollerblade it

Anonyme a dit...

Eileen: so they call it a "flat spine" sketchbook huh. Interesting.

Sandie a dit...

Well, the other type was called a coil spine, so I thought I'd just call the one I got a flat spine =D

Anonyme a dit...

Eileen: I think I should make a scrap book type thing ... I have so many things that belong in one. But at the same time I hate those cliche scrapbooks if that even makes any sense. I think a sketchbook would be better ... although I'm so sure it will remain unfinished. Hmmm.

Sandie a dit...

Ah you can never "not finish" a scrapbook. It's ongoing. If you stop you can always pick it up two years later.

Queenie a dit...

To increase levels of stupidity watch Billy Madison and Black Sheep.
May the force be with you, on your mission.