samedi, décembre 30, 2006

What I learned today

Squirting toothpaste in your eye right before going to bed, when you're body is tense with fatigue is a really stupid thing to do. Such stupidity is enhanced when, instead of cleansing your eye of the chemical burn immediately, the first thought that comes to mind is that this would be a great story to blog about.

jeudi, décembre 21, 2006

Dear Yournamehere,

Seeing as how your Christmas cards are still on top of the drawing board located inside my head, it's pretty safe to say that you probably won't be receiving them before Christmas unless I somehow acquire the ability to travel through time. It's also safe to say that had I the power to travel through time, I'd find better things to do than make sure your Christmas cards are delivered.

So instead, Yournamehere gets an early Christmas well-wishing! With lovely art by Renée Nault!

samedi, décembre 02, 2006

Portfolio Saturday

Based on how I was feeling yesterday, when I finally decided to head to bed at 4:00am, I should've stayed up till 8:00am and forget about trying to salvage what little sleep I could get before Portfolio Day. That or get a new alarm clock that is at least ten times more obnoxious than my current Kenny doll clock.
I was mortified this morning when I drowsily rubbed my eyes and did a double-take at Kenny the alarm clock, as the mechanical female voice announced that it was 11:23am, about three and a half hours later than I had intended to wake up. It was like my first day of volunteering all over again, except I had only one chance, as Portfolio Day on Granville island only takes place one day of the year for four hours.

As a panic-strickened me paced the bathroom as I brushed my teeth, I gauged that the earliest I could get there would be about 10 to 1:00pm, an hour late for Portfolio Day, three hours later than I would've liked, but it was better than missing portfolio day altogether.

My disaster of a day was worsened when I laid my eyes on the enormous lineup for Emily Carr Institute that has already accumulated by the time I got there, I took my place at the back of the line, which was probably the equivalent of about two city blocks away from the designated assessment area.

For two hours, I waited in that lineup. I was mildly relieved that there was still a large quantity of asipiring artists who lined up after me throughout thoes two hours. We all waited patiently, dealing out the occasional glare of contempt at thoes who had their parents hold a place in the lineup for them.

By the end up what seemed like much longer than a four hour stay at Portfolio Day, I only had the chance to see two art Institutes. The second institute I lined up for (which turned out to be NSCAD) left me in a great spirit, despite the fatigue. So all in all, through a series of unexpected coincidences throughout the day, I had a pretty good experience.

Concerning Sketchbooks

I'm a bit of a sketchbook fiend. Most people around me probably have noticed it, the textbook sized black book I tote around with me like a security blanket. Well, in between all my fiendish sketchbooking, a curious phenomenon happens, where blank pages missing content appear peculiarly in my book between pages. So here I am, at 3:30am trying to fill in the blank pages with whatever lousy excuse of an artistic idea I can conjure up for Portfolio Day tomorrow. It's probably a good idea to head to bed soon, and try to get as much sleep as I can. Can I trust myself to wake up on time? Or should I pull another all-nighter?

mardi, novembre 28, 2006

Membrane Man

Membrane Man, Membrane Man.
Membrane man hates Villager LaneyCat man.
They have a fight, Membrane wins.
Membrane Man. 

mardi, octobre 31, 2006

Happy Hallowe'en!

Hallowe'en day homework completed,
Hallowe'en day test studied,
Hallowe'en day dress ready,
I can finally have some Hallowe'en eve sleep

vendredi, octobre 20, 2006


I have a cat named Molly. She's grey and fluffy, and has golden orbs for eyes. 
I get jealous when Molly flirts with other people, but deep down I know Molly still likes me the most.
Me and Molly love each other very much.

dimanche, septembre 24, 2006

Popcorn Etiquette

I learned something this long weekend: my parents are horrible people to watch movies with.

In between my mom's constant inquiries of questions that would be gradually revealed throughout the film, and my dad's answering of said questions, spoiling of plot twists and revealing of red herrings, some people in this family should really learn the proper etiquette for the consumption of popcorn.

A bowl of popcorn is shared between the audience, you take a handful, and pass it onto the next person beside you in such as way as to not disrupt the movie. Other beverages are to be shared in the same manner, or to be consumed independently.

My parents insisted on sharing a mug of beer. They also insisted on passing along the mug and the bowl of popcorn simultaneously.

As to save room on the arm rest, mother decides to place the bowl of popcorn on top of the mug of bubbly liquid, not for long, just long enough so she can cover herself with a lap blanket, which she pulls out from underneath some pillows rather forcefully.

It was like a chain reaction, you can't stop it. All you can do is stare with popcorn hanging inside your half open jaw.

The corner of the blanket tips the precariously placed popcorn tin over. The popcorn tin tips  the vase of flowers on the side table ever so slightly, thus spilling a mess of wet popcorn and flowers everywhere. The mug that the popcorn had been standing on succeeded in the chain reaction by falling over and crashing obscenely to the ground, and taking a platter that had been placed on the side table earlier that day with it, and causing the butter knife that had been on it to crash and spin violently across the hard tile floor.

We all gawked at the spectacle quietly, after what seemed like a really long minute, my mother laughed.

jeudi, septembre 14, 2006


11111111z1111zzzzz1zzzI11 wazz11nt111 m11y1zz 11111z111111r11oc1k fro111111111z1m p11111111e1ru11111111z11

lundi, septembre 11, 2006

Until next time

So it was yet another false alarm. Something like the 119th time give and take a few. And it's all thanks to my bitching and complaining.
This time it was serious. But so were thoes other 118th times.
We'll stay together until next time.

vendredi, septembre 01, 2006

vendredi, août 25, 2006

Hello, you don't know me, but I know who you are

"Hey, you don't know me, but I know who you are. "
"So, you're a volunteer too eh? You're a pretty young volunteer, as old as some of my campers. "
"So what school do you go to? Burnaby Mountain? Cool."
"If you went to Burnaby North, that would mean you go to the same school that I do. "
"So, you got a girlfriend?"


I like free food, alot.  

mercredi, août 09, 2006


A kid called me a geek today.
Abe: "How do you open the website program?"
Me: START > Programs > Applications > Macromedia Dreamweaver > Voila!
Abe: "Can you help me type in"
Me: "I'm not your maid, type it yourself. It's easy."
Abe: *clumsily types in*
Me: *Gets impatient and types it for him*

This is the same kid who got himself stuck in a chair for fifteen minutes during a game of telephone charades. How? That escapes even me. Was it hilarious? Yes, but it made the class go insane and absolutely uncontrollable. Which just reminds me of why I love computer time.

Although computer class usually pertains me scrambling around the classroom answering to needy kids' computer questions, they are such n00bs that they will give me their undivided attentions while watching me copy and paste an image onto Macromedia Dreamweaver, or gawk at my 1337 typing skillz. Also, once they kids get occupied with internet games, It's free time for me, until the inevitable, but always tragic end of class time. Well, it's the end of computer class now, I must now return dutifully to my kids.

jeudi, août 03, 2006

mardi, août 01, 2006

Who can give me some examples of web browsers?

Ryan: "Who can give me some examples of web browsers?"
Brian: "Google!"
Joey: "Microsoft!"
Kevin: "MSN?"

There's something about a room full of 9-11 year old n00bs in a computer lab playing internet scavenger hunt that's oddly stupid and amusing. Ryan had assigned a list of questions regarding the internet for the little fools to research. Ryan is my hero for being able to keep these kids interested and occupied for the entire class. Even Hank, who has found a liking to lagging behind while the pack traverse from classroom to classroom to ask me personal questions has quieted down and devote all of his... youthful energy to doing these questions.

As I currently write this, I am sitting in the back of a dimly lit computer lab, and making trips around the classroom helping kids use Google. How many email accounts ARE there anyway? That is beyond even my googling skills, but only because it's impossible to find out since about 11'000 new ones are created every friggin day.

Who can tell me, who has the most money in the world?
Bill Gates!
No, Bill Gates is very rich, but he's not the richest person there is. I'm looking for something more like a corporation...
No, think of a place, that has alot of money to spend on things...
Yes! What part of America?
South America!


Well, it's now 10:15, and the kids are getting 15 minutes of free computer time. Man do I not miss the days of Neopets and It's almost Rec. time, and my legs are still sore from yesterday, so I probably won't be overly active today.

Hank called me over to show me what Pokemon I am. Apparently I am a Raichu.
Well, it's about time to go, I won't be posting a picture until I get home.

lundi, juillet 17, 2006

Playing Big Money with watery eyes will cause you to lose the ability to exceed the level of Ditch Digger.

dimanche, juillet 16, 2006


The funny thing about nervous habits is that you don't realize you have them until you cease activity, then you are filled with this strange void, fingers itching, and clicking away imaginary columns of brightly coloured coins. I need to find something to keep my brain and fingers busy.

dimanche, juillet 09, 2006


I have unusual sleeping patterns. They don't even constitute as patterns because there is no pattern. It is currently 6:24 in the morning, and I haven't had more than ten minutes of sleep. You know you are sleep deprived when it feels like you have air bubbles floating around in your head, and your entire body is shivering like a car engine. Everyone else is sleeping in the backyard soundly, while I'm here awake because my brain is working overtime and is denying me of any sleep. Another form of brain malfunction perhaps?

History tells me that when I have phases of insomnia, my body will balance things out and hit me with waves of narcolepsy later on in the day. I'm probably looking at another day of tweny-hour-or-so sleep sometime soon, along with the ensuing five-hour-headache.

Strangely enough, there is something slightly refreshing about being awake at 6:32 in the morning with your body behaving like a washing machine. Maybe it's all the caffeine that I had three hours ago kicking in. Stupid Eileen.

dimanche, juillet 02, 2006


It's finally that time of year. And for this special summer, I have a very special plan. My special goal is to become increasingly stupid as the warm days drag on. You know: dumber over the summer. If I was to draw a line graph of my deminishing intelligence, the y-axis being my brain activity, and the x-axis representing the summer, the line would slope downward so steeply that if you tried to rollerblade it you would face certain death.

P.S.- I got a new flat spine sketchbook today.

mardi, juin 13, 2006

Study Study Study

I can't study. I've always had a mental block of sorts regarding studying. Leave it to Sandie to find a bajillion other things far more interesting than studying, like fingernails, specks of dust on my lamp, the way that Hilroy brand graphing paper is thinner than the Media brand.

But I've got good news. My tutor scared me enough to get my act together for math. Albeit I'm still having a hard time caring about the other subjects. If only I was a half robot, then I could cheat on the test.

It feels like I have a hampster eating my brains. I hate chemistry.

dimanche, juin 04, 2006

Guerrilla Gardening

Being over-analytical sucks, I don't want to care about what's fair and what's sensible, or whether I have the right the feel a certain way or not.
But since I implemented a "no-angst" rule here, I will post a picture of some amazing topiary planted by Vancouver's very own guerrilla gardeners instead.

lundi, mai 29, 2006

dimanche, mai 21, 2006

I Heart Vintage

I was staying up way past my bedtime the other day, flipping through the interweb pages, when I haphazardly came across some personal pages of Emily Carr students, and found a couple of promising designers who make vintage-esque clothing. My old buddy Vicki's birthday is coming up. She wouldn't like vintage clothing, I decided, after very little pondering.

jeudi, mai 18, 2006


Taiwan car shop dogs seem to like cameramen alot.

mardi, mars 07, 2006


In the end, I decided that i was feeling too much for comfort.
Back to normal i go.

New Rule: No angst allowed on blog.
Note: Sandie needs rainboots.

mardi, février 21, 2006

Does my lack of effort to keep my friends strip me of the right to feel like crap when I feel like I have so few?

samedi, février 18, 2006

EA Workshop

I'm not much of a video or PC gaming person. I find the classic arcade games more thrilling. The only circumstances where I may be found playing such games, are:
a) I had gotten the game for free
b) Someone is tricking me into playing the game
c) Game-bot threatened to self distruct inside my room unless I play the game

Thanks Wendell, for the game, despite it being blatant promotion.

lundi, février 13, 2006

DVD Packaging

If it wasn't bad enough that it originally took 4.4 hours, three offensive-lineman, several Jinsu knive sets, a mini-anger-induced-stroke, and the jaws-of-life to open up a C.D., it seems that now those very same packaging sadists that brought you the aforemetioned are now behind DVD packaging! (especially if ordered via internet - i.e. etc. ) I mean, what in God's name is going on here!? just what sort of mega-catastrophic transportation/handling contingencies are these people anticipating? nuclear war? epic floods? Godzilla? It's a fecking plastic disk. is it not enough that you've got the original plastic packaging ( which is still a bit of a pain but at least generally physically possible to remove most times without your eye-balls popping out ) and the actual DVD case? why then do you have to have those irritating clear ultra-stickie-thingies on as well?

That being said, the ultimate inanity and irony in all this, however, is that lightbulbs, in turn ( you know, those little devices that actually ARE delicate and tend to break a lot ) are packaged in only an ultra-flimsy 1/16th inch cardboard concoction type jacket and nothing else! This world is truly a fecking insane place!

lundi, janvier 16, 2006

Last Summer

-Walking out of an airport into sauna like conditions
-Drinking papaya milk while waiting for the bus
-not getting jet lag
-watching Inuyasha subs at 12am
-purchasing items without knowing the price
-having a hard time figuring out the air conditioner remote
-Pastry stores with 100 varieties
-washing my wrist because wearing two watches has made it sweaty
-Holding on for dear life on the back of motorcycles
-letting go while on the back of motorcycles
-Screaming at the top of my lungs on the back of motorcycles
-finding out previously purchased items of clothing were worth over $400
-7-11's at just about every street corner
-Drawing blanks while trying to list famous canadians
-Thin films of sweat covering every inch of my body
-Mist machines spraying from above
-fitted pants and on-the-spot tailoring
-Learning to play pool in 35 degree conditions
-Playing pool surrounded by roaring wind and rain
-side stepping stacks of books in manga stores
-Sleeping through four hour train rides
-Salty-style soy milk and hot meat buns for breakfast
-Takings pictures inside high-end restaurants
-Attempting to catch giant carps with bare hands
-Going through nearly ten plates of meat at sukiyaki restaurants
-Critiquing j-pop imitators
-Walking by open air-conditioned stores during the heat of noon
-Side walk overheads on rainy days
-automated card readers at transit stations
-Losing ten games in a row at chinese chess to grandpa
-Umbrella battling at the metro
-hundred varieties of juices, teas, coffees, milks and more for under $1 Cdn
-conversing in english when no one can understand you
-Talking about Canadian politics
-Laughing non stop over spilled cups of instant noodles
-Looking down on the world from 500 feet ferris wheels
-Playing word games inside cabs
-Pretending to sleep for two hours in efforts to avoid conversation with unfamiliar relatives
-Trying to scream while submerged under water
-waiting in line for nearly an hour while catching up on six years of life
-Fighting over fishing rod colours while playing fishing games
-crying for hours in the dark from an overdosage of nostalgia
-filming city life from moving cabs
-counting $1000 bills
-not eating complimentary icecream because it was so shitty
-Urges to throw up from too much food
-reading the mind of a cat because I'm into psychology
-transferring twenty something giant tortoises to a new environment
-making maltose candy from scratch
-nearly throwing up after ten plates at revolving sushi restaurants
-teaching false english
-Holding my breath beside maniacs behind the wheels
-two hour sessions at the dentist
-endo operation without anesthetics
-falling asleep in dentist chairs
-talking about canadian highschools
-Being on the 79th floor of 101 floor structures
-being kicked out of my old elementary school
-trying to climb my old tree
-playing tag on the field surrounded by a hundred classrooms
-taking hours to find my old elementary school due to a change in the structure
-hiding keyboards under pillows
-pressing random buttons while trying to play medieval china video games
-beating my cousin at medieval video game while pressing random buttons
-Running down streets in darkness while storms roars all around you
-drying under the sun after falling into the stream
-discovering that our old grass field has been overrun by rainforest vegetation
-swatting mosquitos while walking through temperate rainforests
-Not singing karoake due to my lack of musical talent
-stealing pads from my aunts room
-looking through photo albums at 3am under flashlights
-smelling incence at temples
-misordering at restaurants due to illiteracy
-carrying calculators while shopping in order to articulate price tags in a currency I understand
-being inside movie theatres with less than 10 viewers
-stifling laughter inside said movie theatres
-not being able to sleep in said movie theatres because air conditioners were on so strong
-playing with the dentist's pomeranian
-complaining about the heat
-Using the side of the stream as a driving range
-fishing for golf balls in the stream
-smiling at my grandma due to a lack of words because I don't speak her language
-sobbing in corners at night because it's so fucking hot
-Walking barefoot in water fountains
-taking pictures while experiencing night markets
-drinking sugar cane juice while shopping for cowboy boots
-Having staring contests with lizards
-going from the un airconditioned streets into an air conditioned store
-chatting with hebrew jewelry makers who speak poor mandarin and english
-Trying on $1000 dresses without purchasing them
-counting 7-11's during an hour long taxi rides
-forgetting to shake before drinking guava juice
-Not being able to see sunrises due to excessive smog
-battling with four year-olds with lego soldiers
-hotspring soaking with sisters, naked
-Playing bowling with empty diet coke cans
-Picnicking beside lakes where suicides have taken place
-battling with promotional balloons inside mall lobbies
-Talking about Canadian weather
-exchanging life stories while waiting in traffic
-practicing golf under national golf champion uncles
-playing tag inside uncles' four story properties with 20 year old cousins
-piggy-backing unconcious seven year old cousins whom I've just met for the first time in my life
-watching sitcom series on buses
-Winning six games in a row at Big Two
-talking about attractive males with 20 year old male cousins
-complaining about the lack of vocabulary for relatives in the english language
-Missing buses, and having the next bus arrive within three minutes
-playing "lights-out" games with cousins inside a crowded apartment
-Lying beside bookcases not reading Naruto in chinese
-nearly passing out after walking around campus for hours under the sun
-eating shaved ice after spending hours walking around under the sun
-massaging 24 year old cousins who claim they're only 23
-Spending hours in book stores reading picture books of my childhood
-seating seven passengers in a five passenger car
-playing the brand-name game while eating snow cones
-eating Tic-Tacs from Canada after a long day of snorkeling
-Counting down the days before I return to Canada
-Wishing that I hadn't let my chinese go to waste
-Recieving underserved praise for my achievements
-Having five year old cousins run from me because I'm nothing more than a foreigner to him
-Walking over paved roads that used to be wilderness in my youth
-Crying because six years has changed everything
-Wondering what I would say to my grandma if I could communicate with her
-Wishing for just one day back in my childhood
-Hating the existing barrier between certain cousins
-Feeling like I have betrayed my heritage
-Understanding full well that previous relationships with cousins are gone forever
-Not knowing when I will be back again
-Knowing that non of my friends at home can share or understand any of these feelings and experiences.

dimanche, janvier 15, 2006

Mental Ability Challenge

This was a Mensa challenge I took when I was 12 years old. Difference here being that my exam paper had only consisted of 33 questions. In which I scored just under 60%.

26 L of the A

7 W of the W

1001 A.N

12 S of the Z

52 C in a D (WJ's)

9 P in the S.S

88 P.K

13 S on the A.F

18 H on a G.C

90 D in a R.A

100 C in a D

8 S on a S.S

4 Q in a G

24 H in a D

1 W on a U

6 D in a Z.C

101 D

1000 Y in a M

64 S on a C.B

13 C in a S

12 K on a R.T

66 B of the B

10 L.I

10 Y in a D

6 W of H the E

36 I in a Y

60 S in a M

5 T on a F

29 D in F in a L.Y

1000 W that a P is W

32 D.F at which W.F

200 D for P.G in M

4 H of the A

82 G in a N.H.L.S

7 D in a T.N (W.A.C)

7 C on the E