jeudi, décembre 15, 2005


Eight things your lover <33 Must be:

  • Must not speak to another female. (With the exception of immediate family)
  • Must have an IQ of at least 120, but no greater than 135.
  • Must have at least a six pack.
  • Must be of Aryan blood.
  • Must spend $50(minimum) on myself, monthly.
  • Must be of virgin material.
  • Must STAY virgin material unless myself states otherwise.
  • Must have a frame of no shorter than 5'7, and no taller than 6'3"

    Three, material things I want for Christmas:
  • Vintage cowboy boots
  • A Furisode
  • Artwork from here

    Two, impossible things that I want for Christmas:
  • See above list
  • ...him?

    One, wish that I want for Christmas:
    Somehow being able to have a guarenteed successful future.
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