mardi, janvier 09, 2007

Today was one of thoes miserable days where the weather went back and fourth between mildly temperate (when I was inside) and blustering cold(whenever I was outside). I would venture out of shelter and think to myself that I could have a nice walk to my destination, wherever that may be, and two minutes later I would be buffetted with gusts of typhoon worthy freezing wind. Might as well have been monsooning too.

So it was a day where by all accounts I should have been in a bitter mood growling at Ms. Lehtonen whenever she walked by in the hallways, and the lady in front of me at the Safeway with 16 items in the 15 item express lane. (Two bars of soap counts as two seperate items damnit).

But I'm sitting here actually feeling pretty good, for a couple of reasons:

  • I've got myself two thirds of a box of Cap'n Crunch cereal to munch on for the remainder of the week! Along with my 1/4 box of Reese's Puffs cereal, that's plenty of sustainance to keep me alive for the rest of the dreadful school week, and it will more than fill my deviliciously-sweet-breakfast-cereal-tooth. That's right, it's devilicious.

  • A wonderful deed was performed today that set me back $6.27 and took me through freezing stormy weather to achieve; the delivery of delicious Frosted Flakes cereal to the sick and needy. A warm reception, some warm tea and bread was plenty to make the expedition seem worth it. : )

  • It's been the most exercise I've had in a day since walking down Davie Street to have cereal at English Bay. I've trekked plenty, and did a bit of running after a nonchalant but brisk walk away from my desk towards the classroom door. Yes! This is my sorry excuse for real exercise!

  • On my way home, upon stepping out into the freezing cold, I felt a cold but not unwelcomed drop fall onto my cheek. I looked up towards the dark but bright night sky and saw dozens of white specks fall towards me. Now I may be one to stress the overratedness of snow, but I do appreciate catching a nice fleeting fall of snow, certainly during an uneventful walk home. In today's case, the brief snowfall was more than welcomed.

  • Last but not least, this evening, it seems that I might actually for once, be up for some light early homework. By the time I'm finished with it, the night will still provide me with quality time with the ordinateur.

    Hopefully, now equipped with plenty of cereal goodness, I can now face the rest of the week in high spirit, and minimal dread.
  • 2 commentaires:

    Anonyme a dit...

    Starting to miss my Cap'n Crunch cereal. =(
    Ah well, I am stocked with good American soy chips, that's right, soy chips not rice cakes. I think rice cakes have the nice taste of rice but soy chips also taste good and have that good old protein that I guess I am lacking considering I don't eat much meat. Too bad they don't sell these good soy chips in Canada. I had to get my Aunt to bring me a bunch. Then I will be left with nothing.
    Maybe after my piano exam we could "trek" down somewhere and share some Cap'n Crunch. =] - Eileen

    Anonyme a dit...

    Well. I guess I might as well talk about my find. My find being the Cap'n Crunch cereal which I only paid $3.00 for! Actually my mom paid for it. Sad thing is ... only 1/5 or so of the cereal remains and it was bought only eight hours ago.
    Can't wait for my damn piano exam to be overrrr.
    - Eileen