mardi, juin 13, 2006

Study Study Study

I can't study. I've always had a mental block of sorts regarding studying. Leave it to Sandie to find a bajillion other things far more interesting than studying, like fingernails, specks of dust on my lamp, the way that Hilroy brand graphing paper is thinner than the Media brand.

But I've got good news. My tutor scared me enough to get my act together for math. Albeit I'm still having a hard time caring about the other subjects. If only I was a half robot, then I could cheat on the test.

It feels like I have a hampster eating my brains. I hate chemistry.

2 commentaires:

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Eileen: I hate studying toooooo~.
Don't even ask me why I do it.
I'm a retard that way.

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Finis: you'd only need to be a little tiny bit robot to cheat

like one well placed chip somewhere in your brain