mardi, mars 07, 2006


In the end, I decided that i was feeling too much for comfort.
Back to normal i go.

New Rule: No angst allowed on blog.
Note: Sandie needs rainboots.

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Eileen: Let's go shopping!!!

Sandie a dit...

Lets go shopping indeed!!!

Anonyme a dit...

Eileen: I need shoesssssssss.

Anonyme a dit...

Eileen: Have you gone rainboots shopping yettttt?
But ... summer is soon so who needs rainboots! It's time to buy some sandals Sandie!
Hehehe, Sandal Sandie, Sandie Sandal.

Just 2 minutes ago I was spelling sandal like "sandel" ... aha, I feel like such a retard.