dimanche, janvier 01, 2006

RIP 2004

I got to end my last day of 2004 with an exclamation point. In fact, said exclamation point was so massive in all of its glory, it was accompanied by a maelstrom of shiney gold stars, and giant bunnies that clobbered me over the head.Hard.

Mr. Exclamation point was a kind of a bothersome house-guest, so emphatic and demanding that I decided that I've had enough exclamations for the year, and would stay put on this particular New Year's Eve. Oh but don't feel sorry for me, the exasperating guest wasn't too bad, I didn't have to alter my previous New Year's Eve plans to accommodate the new one.

Even though I am not typically one to partake in New Year's activities or traditions, just this once however, in good humour, I will create my very own list of resolutions for the new year:

1) Be good to your friends: For they are potential bail-fund providers and can also hide you in their basement until the paternity suit blows over.

2) Be good to your friends: They most likely have significant blackmail material on you.

3) Be nice to nerds: Because you may end up working for them some day.

4) Be kind to children: They are our future, and also act as snack and beverage retrievers during Hockey Night in Canada, or Desperate Housewives, whichever suits your fancy. (plus, some of them may grow up to be more successful than you, in a world where you must suck up to your former beverage-retriever to get that raise.)

5) Attain the date of Buy Nothing Day: Participating stores of Buy Nothing Day will give out free uncostly items and samplings of food.

6) Buy paint and art supplies: Because Mrs. John is getting preachy about the numerous acrylic brushes, conté crayons, and bottles of India ink disappearing from the classroom.

7) Get a job: It's the perfect excuse for my under achievments in school to tide my mom with.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Your last day of 2004 was a while ago. >.>

Sandie a dit...

Not by alot :P