lundi, janvier 16, 2006

Last Summer

-Walking out of an airport into sauna like conditions
-Drinking papaya milk while waiting for the bus
-not getting jet lag
-watching Inuyasha subs at 12am
-purchasing items without knowing the price
-having a hard time figuring out the air conditioner remote
-Pastry stores with 100 varieties
-washing my wrist because wearing two watches has made it sweaty
-Holding on for dear life on the back of motorcycles
-letting go while on the back of motorcycles
-Screaming at the top of my lungs on the back of motorcycles
-finding out previously purchased items of clothing were worth over $400
-7-11's at just about every street corner
-Drawing blanks while trying to list famous canadians
-Thin films of sweat covering every inch of my body
-Mist machines spraying from above
-fitted pants and on-the-spot tailoring
-Learning to play pool in 35 degree conditions
-Playing pool surrounded by roaring wind and rain
-side stepping stacks of books in manga stores
-Sleeping through four hour train rides
-Salty-style soy milk and hot meat buns for breakfast
-Takings pictures inside high-end restaurants
-Attempting to catch giant carps with bare hands
-Going through nearly ten plates of meat at sukiyaki restaurants
-Critiquing j-pop imitators
-Walking by open air-conditioned stores during the heat of noon
-Side walk overheads on rainy days
-automated card readers at transit stations
-Losing ten games in a row at chinese chess to grandpa
-Umbrella battling at the metro
-hundred varieties of juices, teas, coffees, milks and more for under $1 Cdn
-conversing in english when no one can understand you
-Talking about Canadian politics
-Laughing non stop over spilled cups of instant noodles
-Looking down on the world from 500 feet ferris wheels
-Playing word games inside cabs
-Pretending to sleep for two hours in efforts to avoid conversation with unfamiliar relatives
-Trying to scream while submerged under water
-waiting in line for nearly an hour while catching up on six years of life
-Fighting over fishing rod colours while playing fishing games
-crying for hours in the dark from an overdosage of nostalgia
-filming city life from moving cabs
-counting $1000 bills
-not eating complimentary icecream because it was so shitty
-Urges to throw up from too much food
-reading the mind of a cat because I'm into psychology
-transferring twenty something giant tortoises to a new environment
-making maltose candy from scratch
-nearly throwing up after ten plates at revolving sushi restaurants
-teaching false english
-Holding my breath beside maniacs behind the wheels
-two hour sessions at the dentist
-endo operation without anesthetics
-falling asleep in dentist chairs
-talking about canadian highschools
-Being on the 79th floor of 101 floor structures
-being kicked out of my old elementary school
-trying to climb my old tree
-playing tag on the field surrounded by a hundred classrooms
-taking hours to find my old elementary school due to a change in the structure
-hiding keyboards under pillows
-pressing random buttons while trying to play medieval china video games
-beating my cousin at medieval video game while pressing random buttons
-Running down streets in darkness while storms roars all around you
-drying under the sun after falling into the stream
-discovering that our old grass field has been overrun by rainforest vegetation
-swatting mosquitos while walking through temperate rainforests
-Not singing karoake due to my lack of musical talent
-stealing pads from my aunts room
-looking through photo albums at 3am under flashlights
-smelling incence at temples
-misordering at restaurants due to illiteracy
-carrying calculators while shopping in order to articulate price tags in a currency I understand
-being inside movie theatres with less than 10 viewers
-stifling laughter inside said movie theatres
-not being able to sleep in said movie theatres because air conditioners were on so strong
-playing with the dentist's pomeranian
-complaining about the heat
-Using the side of the stream as a driving range
-fishing for golf balls in the stream
-smiling at my grandma due to a lack of words because I don't speak her language
-sobbing in corners at night because it's so fucking hot
-Walking barefoot in water fountains
-taking pictures while experiencing night markets
-drinking sugar cane juice while shopping for cowboy boots
-Having staring contests with lizards
-going from the un airconditioned streets into an air conditioned store
-chatting with hebrew jewelry makers who speak poor mandarin and english
-Trying on $1000 dresses without purchasing them
-counting 7-11's during an hour long taxi rides
-forgetting to shake before drinking guava juice
-Not being able to see sunrises due to excessive smog
-battling with four year-olds with lego soldiers
-hotspring soaking with sisters, naked
-Playing bowling with empty diet coke cans
-Picnicking beside lakes where suicides have taken place
-battling with promotional balloons inside mall lobbies
-Talking about Canadian weather
-exchanging life stories while waiting in traffic
-practicing golf under national golf champion uncles
-playing tag inside uncles' four story properties with 20 year old cousins
-piggy-backing unconcious seven year old cousins whom I've just met for the first time in my life
-watching sitcom series on buses
-Winning six games in a row at Big Two
-talking about attractive males with 20 year old male cousins
-complaining about the lack of vocabulary for relatives in the english language
-Missing buses, and having the next bus arrive within three minutes
-playing "lights-out" games with cousins inside a crowded apartment
-Lying beside bookcases not reading Naruto in chinese
-nearly passing out after walking around campus for hours under the sun
-eating shaved ice after spending hours walking around under the sun
-massaging 24 year old cousins who claim they're only 23
-Spending hours in book stores reading picture books of my childhood
-seating seven passengers in a five passenger car
-playing the brand-name game while eating snow cones
-eating Tic-Tacs from Canada after a long day of snorkeling
-Counting down the days before I return to Canada
-Wishing that I hadn't let my chinese go to waste
-Recieving underserved praise for my achievements
-Having five year old cousins run from me because I'm nothing more than a foreigner to him
-Walking over paved roads that used to be wilderness in my youth
-Crying because six years has changed everything
-Wondering what I would say to my grandma if I could communicate with her
-Wishing for just one day back in my childhood
-Hating the existing barrier between certain cousins
-Feeling like I have betrayed my heritage
-Understanding full well that previous relationships with cousins are gone forever
-Not knowing when I will be back again
-Knowing that non of my friends at home can share or understand any of these feelings and experiences.

8 commentaires:

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Greg: You always write so much when you's hard to stay attentive when it's so long.

Anonyme a dit...

So did you finish reading it?
You can spread all that reading over two days instead of just one =D

Anonyme a dit...

I read up until the picture ended, then I saw how it was neverending and gave up. >.>

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Finis: sounds like a pretty good time. i couldnt hope to remember that much about anything at all at all!

Anonyme a dit...

Well, I was hoping my post was interesting enough for you to read all the way through...

and yes, it was an intensely profound summer for me... not something easy to forget.

Anonyme a dit...

Eileen: Wow, so long, but I read it. *proud*
It makes me want to go to Japan sooooo badly. All my mom can do is blame it on me that we can't go because I have a piano exam ... and who knows if I'll be free the summer of 2007.
Stupidness. =(

Anonyme a dit...

Yay!! Go Eileen!
I'd LOVE to go to Japan with you someday :D

And yes, it sucks that we won't get to go back to Asia for some time...
But on the bright side, you get to go to Europe instead =)

Anonyme a dit...

IF I can go to Europe that is.
I'm too dependent on my grandparents ... =|