mercredi, septembre 19, 2007

I saw the Valley Covered in Fog

I dreamt this morning, that I was screaming and throwing turtle shells at innocent pedestrians. I didn't know why, but I was extraordinarily angry, so furious at their offending presence in fact, that I appeared to be yelling in German.

I was yelling so passionately that I woke myself with a start, to find myself thirty minutes behind schedule. Perhaps it was an after effect from all the foreign cussing, but I don't react like most who are have just found themselves waking half an hour later than intended; no, the lateness doesn't stop me from taking my sweet time getting out of bed; I do so as lazily as humanly possible (for someone who's behind schedule at least), and linger on every muscle movement as if my bones were a a couple of hundred years old.

I drag myself out of bed before I resume regular movement speed once I began my morning routine. I walk by the the kitchen window and do a double take as I bore witness to one of the most amazing sights I have seen in years. The entire valley was covered in a cloudy blanket of fog that stretched as far as the eye could see, I felt like I was alone at the top of a remote mountain, gazing at a city drowning in a sea of smoke. I only peeled my eyes away long enough to run and grab my camera and dash out onto the porch in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. It was like jumping into a freezing swimming pool in mid October. I shivered like I was having an epileptic seizure, but I did get some excellent pictures.

vendredi, septembre 14, 2007

I Think I'm In Love

I've fallen in love with Wayne Thiebaud's paintings. Whenever I see one of his garish paintings of confectionery delights I begin to hyperventilate (mentally) and I feel as if everything is good and happy in the world. I get so excited and giddy I fear that I may start foaming at the mouth. I'm falling in love all over again. That's how amazing he is.

Thiebaud seems to paint predominately two types of subjects; cakes and confectioneries, or city-streetscape. I adore the cakes and the pies, but I have the most love for his city-streetscapes. It's simply stunning.

Oh look at the colour! The vibrancy! The texture! The contrast! And the flagrant breaking of composition rules. <3 These images here do not do justice to the real paintings in life, but it gives you an idea. I've decided that the next book I purchase -after Genesis- shall be a Wayne Thiebauld book.

P.S. - click images for full view or die.