samedi, décembre 30, 2006

What I learned today

Squirting toothpaste in your eye right before going to bed, when you're body is tense with fatigue is a really stupid thing to do. Such stupidity is enhanced when, instead of cleansing your eye of the chemical burn immediately, the first thought that comes to mind is that this would be a great story to blog about.

jeudi, décembre 21, 2006

Dear Yournamehere,

Seeing as how your Christmas cards are still on top of the drawing board located inside my head, it's pretty safe to say that you probably won't be receiving them before Christmas unless I somehow acquire the ability to travel through time. It's also safe to say that had I the power to travel through time, I'd find better things to do than make sure your Christmas cards are delivered.

So instead, Yournamehere gets an early Christmas well-wishing! With lovely art by Renée Nault!

samedi, décembre 02, 2006

Portfolio Saturday

Based on how I was feeling yesterday, when I finally decided to head to bed at 4:00am, I should've stayed up till 8:00am and forget about trying to salvage what little sleep I could get before Portfolio Day. That or get a new alarm clock that is at least ten times more obnoxious than my current Kenny doll clock.
I was mortified this morning when I drowsily rubbed my eyes and did a double-take at Kenny the alarm clock, as the mechanical female voice announced that it was 11:23am, about three and a half hours later than I had intended to wake up. It was like my first day of volunteering all over again, except I had only one chance, as Portfolio Day on Granville island only takes place one day of the year for four hours.

As a panic-strickened me paced the bathroom as I brushed my teeth, I gauged that the earliest I could get there would be about 10 to 1:00pm, an hour late for Portfolio Day, three hours later than I would've liked, but it was better than missing portfolio day altogether.

My disaster of a day was worsened when I laid my eyes on the enormous lineup for Emily Carr Institute that has already accumulated by the time I got there, I took my place at the back of the line, which was probably the equivalent of about two city blocks away from the designated assessment area.

For two hours, I waited in that lineup. I was mildly relieved that there was still a large quantity of asipiring artists who lined up after me throughout thoes two hours. We all waited patiently, dealing out the occasional glare of contempt at thoes who had their parents hold a place in the lineup for them.

By the end up what seemed like much longer than a four hour stay at Portfolio Day, I only had the chance to see two art Institutes. The second institute I lined up for (which turned out to be NSCAD) left me in a great spirit, despite the fatigue. So all in all, through a series of unexpected coincidences throughout the day, I had a pretty good experience.

Concerning Sketchbooks

I'm a bit of a sketchbook fiend. Most people around me probably have noticed it, the textbook sized black book I tote around with me like a security blanket. Well, in between all my fiendish sketchbooking, a curious phenomenon happens, where blank pages missing content appear peculiarly in my book between pages. So here I am, at 3:30am trying to fill in the blank pages with whatever lousy excuse of an artistic idea I can conjure up for Portfolio Day tomorrow. It's probably a good idea to head to bed soon, and try to get as much sleep as I can. Can I trust myself to wake up on time? Or should I pull another all-nighter?